08) 8322 8274

Pool & Spa Accessories

Upgrade your spa experience with our curated selection of Pool & Spa Accessories, designed to enhance comfort, convenience, and cleanliness

At Spa Mart, we offer a wide range of accessories for just about everything you need to get the most of our spa. Our product range includes:

  • Jets: Jets add a therapeutic water massage feature to your spa, targeting specific areas of the body to relieve muscle tension and enhance relaxation.
  • Filters: Spa filters trap dirt, debris, and contaminants, ensuring your spa water remains clean and clear for a safe and enjoyable experience.
  • Filter Cleaners: Filter cleaners help maintain the efficiency of your spa’s filtration system by removing build-ups of oils and greases, prolonging the life of the filters.
  • Filter Media: Filter media, such as cartridges or sand, are essential components of your spa’s filtration system, capturing contaminants and keeping water pristine.
  • Spa Covers & Spa Cover Lifters: Spa covers keep your spa clean and insulated when not in use, while cover lifters make removing and replacing the cover easy and hassle-free.
  • Spa Steps: Spa steps provide safe and easy entry and exit from your spa, reducing the risk of slips or falls and making your spa more accessible.
  • Spa Plumbing and Accessories: Ensures your spa’s pumps, filtration system, and jets function smoothly, keeping your water circulating and the overall spa experience enjoyable.
  • Spa Headrests & Pillows: Spa headrests and pillows offer enhanced comfort, allowing you to fully relax and unwind in your spa.
  • Spa Blowers: Spa blowers enhance the spa experience by injecting air into the water, creating relaxing and therapeutic bubbles.

Our expert team is ready to help you select the right products for your pool or swim spa, ensuring a clean, safe, and enjoyable oasis.

Give us a call or visit our showroom for the best selection and advice.